Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Phases of the moon Essay Essay Example

Phases of the moon Essay Essay During dark clip. the Moon is the clearest heavenly object that could be seen any topographic point on Earth. The Moon is considered as the closest heavenly thing on Earth and is the lone natural orbiter to the Earth ( Freudenrich. 2008 ) . As people noticed. the Moon nowadayss altering forms in the dark sky. There are cases when 1 could see a full disc form. other times it peaks a cabal of its face and sometimes it vanishes for a few yearss. These alterations in the bright side of the Moon are identified as the moon’s stages. Such happening in the Moon is non random at all instead the alterations happen in a monthly footing and occurs in a predictable mode ( Freudenrich. 2008 ) . The Moons stages are non the consequence of the earth’s shadow as many believe. The shadow of the Earth may do occultations but the happening of the Moons phases is a different instance. Phases of the Moon are dependent on its place in the alliance together with the Earth and Sun therefore the lighted portion in the moon’s face is caused by the contemplation of the visible radiation from the Sun ( Barrow. 2008. 1 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Phases of the moon Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Phases of the moon Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Phases of the moon Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer During the 29 twenty-four hours travel of the Moon around its orbit. its place undergoes day-to-day alterations. There are times when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun. other times it is behind the Earth this is why people see the bright parts of the moon’s surface in different angles ( Freudenrich. 2008 ) . The eight stages of the Moon undergoes a rhythm which is proceeded by the new Moon. New Moon besides known as the dark Moon could be seen whenever the Sun and the Moon are likewise positioned on the same side of the Earth. The new Moon is basically non seeable because it is situated in between the Sun and the Earth therefore the portion which is lighted faces straight to the Sun while the other portion which is lost in the sun’s blaze is confronting the Earth ( Barrow. 2008. 1 ) . The 2nd stage of the Moon is identified as the waxing crescent. This appears during the 2nd or 3rd twenty-four hours. During this stage merely a small portion of the Moon is demoing up. It is characterized with a thin lunar splinter which is evident proceedingss after the sundown. Such stage is termed as waxing because every dark a portion of the Moon becomes more seeable in a longer clip ( The stages of our Moon: What can you see this evening. 2008 ) . By the clip the waxing crescent Moon grows in a half full. it has so reached the 3rd stage which is known as the first one-fourth. During this stage. half of the Moon is already seeable. However. its visibleness last during the first half of the eventide and finally goes down. It is besides of import to observe that the first one-fourth Moon reflect the sun’s visible radiation on the right manus side ( The stages of our Moon: What can you see this evening. 2008 ) . Waxing Gibbous Moon is a stage when most portion of the Moon is already seeable. At this point. the Moon is clearly seeable to any of its perceivers and merely a small splinter is non illuminated. The crookback Moon could be seen clearly even before the sundown and corsets in the dark sky until three in the forenoon ( Barrow. 2008. 1 ) . The full face of the Moon is evident during the 5th stage which is the full Moon. This stage takes topographic point whenever the Earth is positioned between the Moon and the Earth. Full Moon is the lone stage where the Moon is reflecting all throughout the dark. A full Moon will lift during the beginning of the dark and will finally put as forenoon stairss in ( Barrow. 2008. 1 ) . Just like the waxing crookback. the declining crookback which is the 6th stage of the Moon. shows all but a small portion of the Moon. However. in contrast with the waxing crookback where perceivers are seeing much of the heavenly body’s illuminated portion. the declining crookback is an indicant of seeing less of the Moon in the approaching darks. This is why it was coined as â€Å"waning† crookback ( The stages of our Moon: What can you see this evening. 2008 ) . Second to the last of the moon’s stage is the last one-fourth. Much like the first one-fourth. people see a half full of the moon’s illuminated face nevertheless ; the reflected visible radiation is set on the left manus corner of the Moon reverse to the first one-fourth stage which is reflected in the right manus side ( Barrow. 2008. 1 ) . Finally the waning crescent marks the concluding rhythm of the moon’s stage. During this period people would observer that merely small of the Moons face is seeable. By the following darks merely a smaller portion of the Moon can be seen in a lesser period. From there a new rhythm will so continue ( The stages of our Moon: What can you see this evening. 2008 ) . Obviously the moon’s stages are dependent upon the moon’s run alonging place in conformity to the Sun and Earth. It is besides notable that the sequence of the stages starts with the moon’s light light from right to left until it extends to the full Moon stage. Right after the said stage the lighted country of the Moon would withdraw from right to left until it reaches the new Moon stage which would tag another rhythm. The stages of the Moon are non complicated as it may look. By larning how. when and why it occurs enables an single to cognize that such event is non random but a predictable event.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

An interview is the opportunity to organize your future and develop your carrier, so take your preparation for it very serious and do not miss the following things.

An interview is the opportunity to organize your future and develop your carrier, so take your preparation for it very serious and do not miss the following things. Score twice before you cut once on interview Searching for a job or just preparing for the after-graduating period? That’s wonderful you turned to set your attention at this writing. If you are only starting your new carrier, there should be some tips and secrets that you are to be aware of to avoid failure. No matter even if you’re not sure this is the very job role, train your behavior during the interlocution, which will definitely bring you the required success. Of course, we do not suggest or motivate you to lie. We just want to pay your attention to that fact that alternative representation of the information makes a difference. Thus, you should show your interest and emphasize all the possible positive aspects. So you are in your final year and occupied with writing your thesis or any other pre-graduating activities. And as it often occurs, you have not worked anywhere yet. The way you answer to the item concerning professional experience can be: â€Å"I have none† and that is one step to failure. More effective variant will be: â€Å"I have none, since I devoted all my time to study. But now I possess sufficient theoretical background and am eager to implement what I know, develop my skills and grow in respect of professional attitude.† Tell us about yourself This question is often to happen during any interview. It seems to be very easy with no pitfalls, but this question should not be underestimated. Do not retell the details of your resume, or other things that your interviewer already has at his or her disposal. It makes no use for you. Giving the respond to these words, convince the person you are talking to that you deserve to take this job position. Mention your personal qualities or appropriate experience that will definitely be required for this job. While preparing to interview, think over a couple of your achievements that show all your best features and can attract the attention of the employer. How did you find out about us? Seems to be a question with no traps? It's not all that simple. The resources investigating which you got to know about position can show your kind of personality and what intentions you have. Thus, in case you send resumes without the purpose concerning the job you strive to obtain, that won’t be appreciated in the interview. In case you discovered on one of the job search sites, look through the important info in regard to the company and mention that you follow the activities of the firm and concern yourself with this stream of business. If you learned about the job role here by your friend, who works at the company, it is even better to mention, since it is like some kind of recommendation for you. Why exactly you should be hired for this position? Within the interview you can be asked questions of the following sort, â€Å"Why do we need to hire you?† or â€Å"What distinguishes you among other candidates?†. Do not lose your courage by hearing this. Such questions grant you one yet another chance to show your interest and passionate desire to work exactly at this company. You can also one more time mention about your best skills, which will be very suitable for this position. Do not speak words of praise concerning you and your skills, just give reasonable but positive assessment of your knowledge, experience and abilities. Show your motivation and willingness to work and gain best results. What are your salary expectations? This is the distinctive part of the interview, for which you should also prepare, since the financial aspect is of great importance and you cannot make a slip. Before interview make a little investigation to find out the average salary rate within this sphere. Search on the sites like Payscale or Glassdoor, there you can get the required information. Orientate on these numbers and announce a bit higher salary. In such a way you will show that you appreciate your skills and deserve an appropriate reward. At the same time you can demonstrate your desire and pliancy to discuss details in order to get the position. Do not treat these advices unserious when getting ready for an interview. Think what you say and receive the best job. Good luck!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What is philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is philosophy - Essay Example This philosophy becomes the guidance that helps an individual in practicing as well as performing research relevant to his/her field of work. Philosophy has become an important course in various educational institutes that offer degrees and certifications for studies that focus on human behavior. Studying philosophy helps an individual in answering various queries that they have since birth. These questions are abstract in nature and mostly include questions regarding how human beings should spend their lives and what is the reason due to which they exist and who governs their behavior and various similar questions. Philosophy can be regarded as a motivator and promoter of research. Thinking in a philosophical manner can result in various questions that individuals have regarding occurrence of incidences. Human beings tend to develop various philosophies for these incidences and due to this they are promoted to perform research to identify concrete understandings of their beliefs and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Per3 Gene and Diurnal Preference Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Per3 Gene and Diurnal Preference - Lab Report Example The forward and reverse primers were chosen for PER3 gene and they were added to the PCR tubes along with crude DNA, polymerase buffer, Taq polymerase and DNTPs.   Forward and reverse primers are chosen based on the sequence of the PER3 gene. The primers must have the unique sequence region of each gene that is not present in any other gene.   The chance for primer – dimer formation is high because of many reasons. The annealing temperature may not be correct or the template may not be proper or the DNA may have contaminants. To prevent the primer – dimer formation, the above points must be taken care off. DNA polymerase buffer helps to increase the dNTPs binding with the DNA template. Taq polymerase enzyme polymerizes double stranded DNA formation. It acts as the catalyst for the amplification reaction.The master mix was prepared according to the instructions. The tubes were then placed in the PCR and the amplification was performed. To check the success of PCR amp lification, the amplified PCR product was run in the agarose gel electrophoresis. 1.2% agarose gel was preared and casted in the casting tray. The electrophoresis box was filled with the electrophoresis running buffer and the DNA products were loaded in the gel with the loading dye. DNA ladder was loaded in the first lane and the samples in the other lanes. The positive control was a readily avalilable one and the negative control was distilled water. The postive control enables us to make sure that the separation of the DNA bands.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gegheis Khan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gegheis Khan - Term Paper Example He was successful in uniting many of the dispersed tribal groups and made the Mongol empire the largest during his life period. Major portions of central Asia and China were under the control of Mongolia during his tenure as the greatest Mongolian leader of all time. No other king or emperor in the history was successful in conquering major portions of Asia as did by Gegheis Khan. In fact Mongol Empire was the second largest Empire in the history of the world. Even though his life and contributions are well known to the world at present, details about his death and his burial place are still unknown to the world. This paper analyses his life, conquest and the ways or strategies through which he expanded the Mongol empire. One of the major problems associated with getting more details about Genghis Khan and his war tactics and contributions, is the fact that his history was not written by anybody during his life period. In fact the only book wrote about him was published around hundre d years after his death. Thus, exact date of birth of Genghis Khan is still unknown even though different historians marked it in different years like 1155, 1162, and 1167. In Mongolia, his birth year is accepted as 1162 even though the controversies regarding his birth date still persists elsewhere. He was born in a noble clan and his father was the clan leader, respected by all the members of his clan. Shortly before he was born, his father, Yesugei, killed a man from an enemy tribe. Yesugei and his wife named their first son Temujin after that vanquished rival. At the time of Temujin's birth, most Mongols were nomadic hunter gatherers who herded sheep and horses. They travelled in clusters of tribal clans and subclans (Wilmore, p.18) Mongolians including the females were excellent horse riders and hunters. In majority of their wars, they used their horse riding expertise and hunting skills judiciously and earned many famous victories. Since ancient Mongolia was a place of differe nt clans and ethnic groups, bloody clashes between different ethnic groups were common in there. Genghis Khan’s clan was one of the most powerful clans in Mongolia and it succeeded in uniting other clans under their wings. The inborn or inherited talents for conducting wars helped them immensely in expanding their territories. When Temujin reached his 10 years of age, his father was killed in a fight by another enemy clan. As per the existing traditions in his clan, he should have become the leader of his clan after the death of clan leader; his father. However, the he was too young to assume the clan leadership and the members of his clan had chosen another person as their leader by expelling him and his family. It was difficult for a young person like Temujin to lead a peaceful life after the expulsion from his own clan. Threats from enemy clans were always in place and Temujin struggled to save his life. Temujin was a brave boy and he was not ready to give up. He fought ha rd for his own survival and his family’s survival. Each battle of survival made him tougher and tougher and educated him many survival principles. He was decided to regain his lost place as his clan leader and the first fight conducted by Temujin was for his clan leadership. Slowly Temujin’s bravery and leadership skills were accepted by his clan and they made him the unquestionable leader of their clan. Immediately after assuming the leadership

Friday, November 15, 2019

Dyslexia Dyspraxia And Dyscalculia

Dyslexia Dyspraxia And Dyscalculia A specific Learning difficulty is a classification including several disorders in which a person has difficulty learning in a typical manner. Usually this is caused by an unknown factor. The unknown factor is the disorder that affects the brains ability to receive and process information. People with a learning disability have trouble undertaking specific types of tasks if they are not supported or if the task is not differentiated in order for them to complete the simplified version. A child with a specific learning difficulty is as able as any other child, except in one or two areas of their learning. For instance, they may find it difficult to recognise letters, or to cope with numbers or reading. There are many different types of specific learning difficulties, but the best known and publicised is dyslexia. With dyslexia, the child has difficulty with spelling and reading. It may be difficult for parents and teachers to realise that a child has this sort of problem, especially if their development has progressed without concern in their early years education. Often, the child will appear to understand, have good ideas, and join in activities, as well as other children and in some instances better than others. Sometimes it can take years for adults to realise that a child has a specific difficulty. Dyslexia The British Psychological Society (1999) has given a broad definition of Dyslexia: Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great difficulty. This focuses on literacy learning at the word level and implies that the problem is severe and persistent despite appropriate learning opportunities. It provides the basis for a staged process of assessment through teaching Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write, and spell in their subject language. There are many persisting factors in dyslexia, which can appear from an early age. They will still be noticeable when the dyslexic child leaves school; these include good and bad days for no apparent reason in relation to their attitude and behaviour, short-term memory loss and sequencing, organisation and spoken language skills. It is thought that the reason people with dyslexia have problems with phonological processing is that some areas, their brain functions in a different way than people without the condition. There are number of different theories about the causes of Dyslexia which all tend to support each other. The main point is that it is a genetic condition that changes how the brain deals with information, and that it is passed on through families. Dyslexia is thought to be a genetic condition which means it runs in families. It is estimated that if you have dyslexia there is 40%-60% likelihood that your child will also develop the condition. There are different strategies used for teaching children with dyslexia. For example if you are at a secondary school in a science lab using diagrams it would be easier to label the equipment that is for use, so the students can use this information when writing up laboratory reports. Using computers for a dyslexic child is advantageous as it would be easier for them to type the work rather than writing the work on paper. To support a dyslexic child you need to make sure that messages and day to day classroom activities are written down, and never sent verbally. Also a daily check list for the pupil to refer to each evening would encourage a daily routine to help develop the childs own self-esteem and responsibilities and also encourage good organisational skills by the use of folders and dividers to keep work easily accessible and in an orderly fashion. Tasks need to be simplified down into small easily remembered pieces of information and if visual memory is poor, copying must be k ept to a minimum as notes or handouts are far more useful. Another way of supporting the condition of the child is to sit the child fairly near the class teacher so that the teacher is available to help if necessary so that any support required is not to a minimum. A structured reading scheme that involves repetition and introduces new words slowly is extremely important. This allows the child to develop confidence and self esteem when reading. If there is one or two dyslexics in the class, a short list of structure-based words for their weekly spelling test, will be far more helpful than random words. Three or four irregular words can be included each week to challenge the child and eventually this should be seen to improve their spelling and writing skills. Dyspraxia Dyspraxia is a specific learning difficulty that affects the brains ability to plan sequences of movement. It is thought to be connected to the way that the brain develops, and can affect the planning of what to do and how to do it. It is often associated with problems of perception, language and thought. Dyspraxia is often described as a hidden problem, because children with the condition appear no different to those who dont have it. Up to ten per cent of the population may show symptoms of dyspraxia, with around two per cent being severely affected. Males are four times more likely to be affected than females. Dyspraxia sometimes runs in families. (BBC website 2008) Students who have the learning difficulty dyspraxia will experience difficulties in gross motor skills meaning poor performance in sport, general clumsiness, poor balance, and difficulties in learning skills involving coordination of body parts, e.g. riding a bike or swimming. Also manual and practical tasks like using computer keyboards and mice will prove difficult, along with measuring accurately, slow or poor handwriting, messy presentation of work and problems with craft-work and cookery. During the early formative years, a child suffering from dyspraxia may have difficulty learning to walk, run, and jump. Walking up and down a flight of stairs and dressing up will not be an easy task for them. Developing the ability to speak and communicate effectively is very slow for these children. When the child attends school, mathematics and writing stories are often very difficult. Poor handwriting is among the most prevalent signs of dyspraxia. Other common symptoms include, short attention span, disorganisation, inability to tie shoelaces, tendency to avoid games in PE, and sluggishness in dressing themselves up. During their adult years, routine tasks become very difficult for them to perform. Driving, riding bicycles, personal grooming, and certain household chores are a cause for constant struggle. Dyspraxia sufferers walk in a clumsy manner and encounter problems with sports, especially those that involve the usage of bats. They often avoid work or things that are hard for them to do. Strategies for teaching children with dyspraxia is as follows for handwriting-using pencil grips for better control with the pencil, writing on lined paper so they can write in straight lines and also using stencils. Difficulties with dressing themselves a suggestion for this is to wear loose-fit easy on easy off clothing with Velcro fastenings for shoes. For Difficulties for walking in straight line and bumping into people, balance or wobble boards need to be provided. If a child is unable to remember or follow instructions you need to get the attention of the child before giving instructions, provide time to process the information to the child and use activities, demonstrations and pictures to get the message across. To raise and develop their Social skills you need to use techniques in order to explain the social rules and expected behaviour as a dyspraxia child finds it difficult to concentrate so a distraction free learning environment is essential. A Dyspraxia child has been used to failure repeatedly every effort must be made to raise their self-esteem. It is imperative that you use every opportunity to praise the child in order to raise their self-esteem. This will make the child feel better about themselves they are more likely to relax and learn. This is the obvious situation to strive towards making progress in their learning. It is important to remember that they have difficulty in absorbing information during lessons so allowing them extra time, teaching in small bursts, allowing opportunities to rest is very important and You will be able to tell when each the child requires a rest. However, this will change from day to day and from child to child. Ensure that the child has understood what is being taught, repeat if needed. Check that the student is not falling behind because they cannot copy from the blackboard, Teach on a one to one level, with few distractions, when appropriate. If there is a learning support worker available, allow them to assist the child so they are taught at the same pace alongside their peers. Therapy is a good way of alleviating dyspraxia. Speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, specialist teachers, and psychologists could be relied upon to help patients with dyspraxia. The specialists needed for therapy could vary, depending on the specific problem needs. A set of activities and exercises are given by these therapists to help patients in learning how to perform physical tasks. Reading and writing skills could also be developed with the help of therapists. Dyscalculia Dyscalculia learners may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, and have problems learning number facts and procedures. Dyscalculia is like dyslexia for numbers. But unlike dyslexia, very little is known about the causes or treatment. Current thinking suggests that it is a congenital condition, caused by the abnormal functioning of a specific area of the brain. People with dyscalculia experience great difficulty with the most basic aspects of numbers. Dyscalculia children can usually learn the sequence of counting words, but may have difficulty going back and forth, especially in twos and threes when Dyscalculia children find learning and recalling number facts difficult and they often lack confidence even when they produce the correct answer. Dyscalculia children may find it difficult to grasp that the words ten, hundred and thousand have the same relationship to each other as the numerals 10, 100 and 1000. Dyscalculia children often have difficulty when handling money or telling the time. They may also have problems with concepts such as speed or temperature. Dyscalculia children may be particularly vulnerable where teachers follow an Interactive lesson especially in a whole-class method of teaching, when asking dyscalculia children to answer simple maths questions in the class it will lead to embarrassment and frustration especially when they peers are there or other children . Dyscalculia is a special need and requires diagnos is and appropriate counseling as well as support away from whole class teaching, however, compared with dyslexia, very little research has focused on dyscalculia and how to overcome it. Consequently, there is relatively little ready made support available. Strategies to support learners with dyscalculia is to allow extra time to complete a given task in class, encourage dyscalculia children to make use of calculators when necessary, using visual material to develop an understanding of maths concepts, make use of ICT as an aid to learning, encourage working with a partner to explain methods of working to each others in class. It is important to make the learning fun as dyscalculia children may have behaviour problems and some will resent doing extra math so it is better for teachers to be as upbeat and pleasant through activities as possible. Activities should be taught in short blocks of 10 minutes to maintain the attention of students. Parents should also be involved in the learning and encouraged to participate in the learning and use positive and encouraging language if the child finds it difficult to carry out the task. Children who have a problem with math should be taught in a multi sensory approach in which they say, hear, write and handle numbers simultaneously. Learning difficulties can be a lifelong condition, the best treatment is to provide special or differentiated education where needed. Once a difficulty has been recognised the best approach is to teach learning skills by building on the childs abilities and strengths whilst trying to correct the weaknesses. It is important to help the child learn by enhancing attention and concentration through various teaching strategies that best suit the need of the child ensuring progression is achieved and consistent throughout the subjects.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Return: Nightfall Chapter 34

Elena had once fallen off that balcony and Stefan had jumped and caught her before she could hit the ground. A human falling from that height would be dead on impact. A vampire in full possession of his or her reflexes would simply twist in the air like a cat and land lightly on their feet. But one in Damon's particular circumstances tonight†¦ From the sound of it, he had tried to twist, but had only ended up landing on his side and breaking bones. Elena deduced the latter from his cursing. She didn't wait to listen for more specifics. She was off like a rabbit, down to the level of Stefan's room – where instantaneously and almost unconsciously, she sent out a wordless plea – and then down the stairs. The cabin had turned completely into a perfect duplicate of the boardinghouse. Elena didn't know why, but instinctively she ran to the side of the house that Damon would know the least: the old servant's quarters. She got that far before she dared whispering things to the house, asking for them rather than demanding them, and praying that the house would obey her as it had obeyed Damon. â€Å"Aunt Judith's house,† she whispered, thrusting the key into a door – it went in like a hot knife into butter and turned almost of its own volition, and then suddenly she was there again, in what had been her home for sixteen years, up until her first death. She was in the hallway, with her little sister Margaret's open door showing her lying on the floor of her bedroom, staring with wide-open eyes over a coloring book. â€Å"It's tag, sweetie!† she announced as if ghosts appeared every day in the Gilbert household and Margaret was supposed to know how to deal with it. â€Å"You go running to your friend Barbara's and then she has to be It. Don't stop running until you get there, and then go see Barbara's mom. But first you give me three kisses.† And she lifted Margaret and hugged her tightly and then almost threw her at the door. â€Å"But Elena – you're back – â€Å" â€Å"I know, darling, and I promise to see you again another day. But now – run, baby – â€Å" â€Å"I told them you would come back. You did before.† â€Å"Margaret!Run!† Choking on tears, but maybe recognizing in her childlike way the seriousness of the situation, Margaret ran. And Elena followed, but zagging toward a different staircase when Margaret zigged. And then she found herself confronted by a smirking Damon. â€Å"You take too long to talk to people,† he said as Elena frantically counted her options. Go over the balcony into the entry way? No. Damon's bones might still hurt a little but if Elena jumped even one story, she would probably break her neck. What else? Think! And then she was opening the door into the china closet, at the same time shouting out, â€Å"Great-aunt Tilda's house,† unsure if the magic would still work. And then she was slamming the door in Damon's face. And she was in her Aunt Tilda's house, but the Aunt Tilda's house of the past. No wonder they accused poor Auntie Tilda of seeing strange things, Elena thought, as she saw the woman turning while holding a large glass casserole dish full of something that smelled mushroomy, and screaming, and dropping the dish. â€Å"Elena!† she cried. â€Å"What – it can't be you – you're all grown up!† â€Å"What's the trouble?† demanded Aunt Maggie, who was Aunt Tilda's friend, coming in from the other room. She was taller and fiercer than Aunt Tilda. â€Å"I'm being chased,† cried Elena. â€Å"I need to find a door, and if you see a boy after me – â€Å" And just then Damon stepped out of the coat closet, and at the same time Aunt Maggie tripped him neatly and said, â€Å"Bathroom door beside you,† and picked up a vase and hit the rising Damon over the head with it. Hard. And Elena dashed through the bathroom door, crying, â€Å"Robert E. Lee High School last fall – just as the bell's rung!† And then she was swimming against the flow, with dozens of students trying to get to their classes on time – but then one of them recognized her, and then another, and while apparently she'd successfully traveled to a time when she wasn't dead – no one was screaming â€Å"ghost† – neither had anyone at Robert E. Lee ever seen Elena Gilbert wearing a boy's shirt over a camisole, with her hair falling wildly over her shoulders. â€Å"It's a costume for a play!† she shouted, and created one of the immortal legends about herself before she had even died by adding, â€Å"Caroline's house!† and stepping into a janitor's closet. An instant later, the most gorgeous boy that anyone had ever seen appeared behind her, and rocketed through the same doors saying words in a foreign language. And when the janitor's closet opened, neither boy nor girl was there. Elena landed running down a hallway and almost crashed into Mr. Forbes, who looked rather wobbly. He was drinking what seemed to be a large glass of tomato juice that smelled like alcohol. â€Å"We don't know where she's gone, all right?† he shouted before Elena could say a word. â€Å"She's gone right out of her mind, as far as I can tell. She was talking about the ceremony at the widow's walk – and the way she was dressed! Parents don't have any control over children anymore!† He slumped against the wall. â€Å"I'm so sorry,† murmured Elena.The ceremony. Well, Black Magic ceremonies were usually held at moonrise or midnight. And it was just a few minutes before midnight. But in those minutes, Elena had just come up with scheme B. â€Å"Excuse me,† she said, taking the drink out of Mr. Forbes's hand and dashing it directly into the face of Damon, who had appeared out of a closet. Then she shouted, â€Å"Some placetheir kind can't see!† and stepped into†¦ Limbo? Heaven? Some place their kind couldn't see.At first Elena wondered about herself, because she couldn't see much of anything at all. But then she realized where she was, deep in the earth, beneath Honoria Fell's empty tomb. Once, she had fought down here to save the lives of Stefan and Damon. And now, where there should have been nothing but darkness and rats and mildew, was a tiny, shining, light. Like a miniature Tinkerbell – just a speck, it hovered in the air, not leading her, not communicating, but†¦protecting, Elena realized. She took the light, which felt bright and cool in her fingers, and around her she traced a circle, big enough for a full-grown person to lie down in. When she turned back, Damon was sitting in the middle. He looked strangely pale for someone who had just fed. But he said nothing, not a word, just gazed at her. Elena went to him and touched him on the neck. And a moment later, Damon was again drinking deep, deep, of the most extraordinary blood in the world. Usually, he would be analyzing by now: taste of berry, taste of tropical fruit, smooth, smoky, woody, rounded with a silken aftertaste†¦But not now. Notthis blood, which far surpassed anything for which he had words. This blood that was filling him with power such as he had never known before†¦. Damon†¦ Why was he not listening? How had he come to be drinking this extraordinary blood that tasted somehow of the afterlife, and why was he not listening to the donor? Please, Damon. Please fight it†¦ He ought to recognize that voice. He'd heard it enough times. I know they're controlling you. But they can't controlallof you. You're stronger than they are. You're the strongest†¦. Well, that was certainly true. But he was getting more and more confused. The donor seemed to be unhappy and he was a past-master at making donors happy. And he didn't quite remember†¦he really should remember how this had started. Damon, it's me. It's Elena. And you're hurting me. So much pain and bewilderment. From the beginning, Elena had known better than to outright fight the tapping of her veins. That would only cause agony, and it wouldn't do her the slightest bit of good except to stop her brain from working. So she was trying to make him fight off the horrible beast inside him. Well, yes, but the change had to come from inside. If she forced him, Shinichi would notice and just possess him again. Besides, the simpleDamon, be strong gig wasn't working. Was there nothing to do but die, then? She could at least fight that, although she knew that Damon's strength would make it pointless. With every swallow he took of her new blood, he got stronger; he changed more and more into†¦ Into what? It washer blood. Maybe he would answer its call, which was also her call. Maybe, somehow inside, he could beat the monster without Shinichi noticing. But she needed some new power, some new trick†¦ And even as she thought it, Elenafelt the new Power moving in her, and she knew that it had always been there, just waiting for the right occasion to use it. It was a very specific power, not to be used for fighting or even for saving herself. Still, it was hers to tap. Vampires who preyed on her got only a few mouthfuls, but she had an entire blood supply filled with its enormous vigor. And calling upon it was as easy as reaching toward it with an open mind and open hands. As soon as she did, she found new words coming to her lips, and most strangely of all, new wings springing from her body, which Damon was holding bent sharply back from the hips. These ethereal wings were not for flying, but for something else, and when they fully unfurled they made a huge, rainbow-colored arch whose very tip circled back again, surrounding and enfolding Damon and Elena both. And then she said it telepathically.Wings of Redemption. And inside, soundlessly, Damon screamed. Then the wings opened slightly. Only one who had learned a great deal about magic would have seen what was happening inside them. Damon's anguish was becoming Elena's anguish as she took from him every painful incident, every tragedy, every cruelty that had ever gone into making up the stony layers of indifference and unkindness that encased his heart. Layers – as hard as the stone at the heart of a black dwarf star – were breaking up and flying away. There was no stopping it. Great chunks and boulders fractured, fine pieces shattered. Some dissolved into nothing more than a puff of acrid smelling smoke. There was something at the center, though – some nucleus that was blacker than hell and harder than the horns of the devil. She couldn't quite see what happened to it. She thought – she hoped – that at the very end even it blasted open. Now, and only now, could she call for the next set of wings. She hadn't been sure that she would live through the first attack; she certainly didn't feel as if she could live through this one. But Damon had to know. Damon was kneeling on one knee on the floor, with his arms clasped tightly around him. That should be all right. He was still Damon, and he'd be a lot happier without the weight of all that hatred and prejudice and cruelty. He wouldn't keep remembering his youth and the other young blades who'd mocked his father for being an old fool, with his disastrous investments and his mistresses younger than his own sons. Neither would he endlessly dwell on his own childhood, when that same father had beaten him in drunken rages when he neglected his studies or took up with objectionable companions. And, finally, he would not go on savoring and contemplating the many terrible things he'd done himself. He had been redeemed, in heaven's name and in heaven's time, by words put into Elena's mouth. But now†¦there was something that he needed to remember. If Elena was right. If only she were right. â€Å"Where is this place? Are you hurt, girl?† In his confusion, he couldn't recognize her. He had knelt; now she knelt beside him. He gave her a keen glance. â€Å"Are we at prayer or were we making love? Was it the Watch or the Gonzalgos?† â€Å"Damon,† she said, â€Å"it's me, Elena. It's the twenty-first century, now, and you are a vampire.† Then, gently embracing him, with her cheek against his, she whispered,†Wings of Remembrance.† And a pair of translucent butterfly wings, violet, cerulean, and midnight blue in color, sprouted from her backbone, just above her hips. The wings were decorated with tiny sapphires and translucent amethysts in intricate patterns. Using muscles she had never used before, she easily drew them up and forward until they curled inside out, and Damon was shielded within them. It was like being enclosed in a dim, jewel-studded cave. She could see in Damon's fine-bred features that he didn't want to remember anything more than he did right now. But new memories, memories connected with her, were already welling up inside him. He looked at his lapis lazuli ring and Elena could see tears come to his eyes. Then, slowly, his gaze turned on her. â€Å"Elena?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Someone possessed me, and took the memories of the times I was possessed,† he whispered. â€Å"Yes – at least, I think so.† â€Å"And someone hurt you.† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I swore to kill him or make him your slave a hundred times over. Hestruck you. He took your blood by force. He made up ludicrous stories about hurting you in other ways.† â€Å"Damon. Yes, that's true. But, please – â€Å" â€Å"I was on his track. If I'd met him I might have run him through; might have ripped his beating heart out of his chest. Or I might have taught him the most painful lessons I've heard tales of – and I've heard a lot of tales – and at the end, through the blood in his mouth, he would have kissed your heel, your slave until he died.† This wasn't good for him. She could see it. His eyes were white all around, like a terrified colt's. â€Å"Damon, Ibeg you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"And the one who hurt you†¦was me.† â€Å"Not you by yourself. You said it yourself. You werepossessed .† â€Å"You feared me so much you stripped yourself for me.† Elena remembered the original Pendleton shirt. â€Å"I didn't want you and Matt fighting.† â€Å"You let me bleed you when it was against your true will.† This time she could find nothing to say but, â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I – dear God! – I used my powers to afflict you with terrible grief!† â€Å"If you mean an attack that causes hideous pain and seizures, then yes. And you were worse to Matt.† Matt wasn't on Damon's radarscope. â€Å"And then I kidnapped you.† â€Å"Youtried .† â€Å"And you jumped out of a speeding car rather than take your chances with me.† â€Å"You were playing rough, Damon. They had told you to go out and play rough, maybe even to break your toys.† â€Å"I've been looking for the one who made you jump from the car – I couldn't remember anything before that. And I swore to take out his eyes and his tongue before he died in agony. You couldn't walk. You had to use a crutch to get through the forest, and just when help should have come, Shinichi drew you into a trap. Oh, yes, I know him. You wandered into his snow globe†¦and would be wandering still if I hadn't broken it.† â€Å"No,† Elena said quietly. â€Å"I would have been dead a long time ago. You found me at the point of suffocation, remember?† â€Å"Yes.† A moment of fierce joy on his face. But then the trapped, horrified look returned. â€Å"I was the tormenter, the persecutor, the one you were so terrified of. I made you do things with – with – â€Å" â€Å"Matt.† â€Å"O God,† he said, and it was clearly an invocation to the deity, not just an exclamation, because he looked up, holding his clenched hands to heaven. â€Å"I thought I was being a hero for you. InsteadI'm the abomination. What now? By rights, I should be dead at your feet already.† He looked at her with wide, feral, black eyes. There was no humor in them, no sarcasm, no holding back. He looked very young and very wild and desperate. If he'd been a black leopard he'd have been pacing his cage frantically, biting at the bars. Then he bowed his head to kiss her bare foot. Elena was shocked. â€Å"I'm yours to do what you please with,† he said in that same stunned voice. â€Å"You can order me to die right now. After all my clever talk, it turns out that I'm the monster.† And then he wept. Probably no other set of circumstances could have brought tears to Damon Salvatore's eyes. But he had boxed himself in. He never broke his word, and he'd given his word to break the monster, the one who had done all this to Elena. The fact that he had been possessed – at first a little, and then more and more, until his entire mind was simply another of Shinichi's toys, to be picked up and put down at leisure – didn't make up for his crimes. â€Å"You know that I – I'm damned,† he told her, as if perhaps that might go a small way toward restitution. â€Å"No, Idon't ,† Elena said. â€Å"Because I don't believe that's true. And Damon, think of how many times you fought them. I'm sure they wanted you to kill Caroline that first night you said you felt something in her mirror. You said you almost did it. I'm sure they want you to kill me. Are you going to do it?† He bent toward her foot again, and she hastily grabbed him by the shoulders. She couldn't stand to see him in such pain. But now Damon was looking this way and that, as if he had a definite purpose. He was also twisting the lapis lazuli ring. â€Å"Damon – what are you thinking? Tell me what you're thinking!† â€Å"That he may pick me up as a puppet again – and that this time there may be areal birch rod. Shinichi – he's monstrous beyond your innocent belief. And he can take me over at a moment's notice. We've seen that.† â€Å"He can't if you'll let me kiss you.† â€Å"What?† He looked at her as if she hadn't been following the conversation properly. â€Å"Let me kiss you – and strip out that dying malach inside you.† â€Å"Dying?† â€Å"It dies a little more each time you gain enough strength to turn your back on it.† â€Å"Is – it very big?† â€Å"As big as you are by now.† â€Å"Good,† he whispered. â€Å"I only wish I could fight it myself.† â€Å"Pour le sport?† Elena answered, showing that her summer in France last year hadn't been entirely wasted. â€Å"No. Because I hate the bastard's guts and I'd happily suffer a hundred times its pain as long as I knew I was hurtingit. â€Å" Elena decided this was no time for delay. He was ready. â€Å"Will you let me do this one last thing?† â€Å"I told you before – the monster who hurt you is your slave now.† All right. They could argue about that point later. Elena leaned forward and tilted her head up, lips pursed slightly. After a few moments, Damon, the Don Juan of darkness, got the point. He kissed her very gently, as if afraid to make too much contact. â€Å"Wings of Purification,† Elena whispered against his lips. These wings were as white as untrammeled snow, and lacelike, barely existing in some places at all. They arched high above Elena, shimmering with an iridescence that reminded her of moonlight on frosted cobwebs. They encased mortal and vampire in a web made of diamond and pearl. â€Å"This is going to hurt you,† Elena said, not knowing how she knew. The knowledge seemed to come moment by moment as she needed it. It was almost like being in a dream where great truths are understood without needing to be learned, and accepted without astonishment. And that was how she knew thatWings of Purification would seek out and destroy anything foreign inside Damon and that the feeling could be very unpleasant for him. When the malach didn't seem to be coming out of its own accord, she said, prompted by her inner voice, â€Å"Take off your shirt. The malach is attached to your spine and it's closest to the skin at the back of your neck where it entered. I'm going to have to strip it out by hand.† â€Å"Attached to my spine?† â€Å"Yes. Did you ever feel it? I think it would have felt like a bee sting at first, as it entered you, just a sharp little drill and a blob of jelly that attached to your spine.† â€Å"Oh. The mosquito bite. Yes, I felt that. And then later, my neck began to ache, and at last my whole body. Was it†¦growing inside me?† â€Å"Yes, and taking over more and more of your nervous system. Shinichi was controlling you like a marionette.† â€Å"Dear God, I'msorry .† â€Å"Let's make him be sorry instead. Will you take off your shirt?† Silently, like a trusting child, Damon took off his black jacket and shirt. Then, as Elena motioned him into position, he lay across her lap, his back hard with muscle and pale against the dark ground on either side. â€Å"I'm sorry,† she said. â€Å"Getting rid of it this way – pulling it out through the hole where it entered – will really hurt.† â€Å"Good,† grunted Damon. And then he buried his face in his lithe, flat-muscled arms. Elena used the pads of her fingers, feeling at the top of his spine for what she was looking for. A squishy point. A blister. When she found it, she pinched it with her fingernails until blood suddenly spurted. She almost lost it then as it tried to go flat, but she was pursuing it with sharp nails – and it was too slow. At last she had it held firmly between thumbnail and two fingernails. The malach was still alive and aware enough to feebly resist her. But it was like a jellyfish trying to resist – only jellyfish broke apart when you pulled. This slick, slimy, man-shaped thing retained its shape as she slowly pulled it through the breach in Damon's skin. And it was hurting him. She could tell. She started to take some of the pain into herself, but he gasped, â€Å"No!† with such vehemence that she decided to let him have his way. The malach was much larger and more substantial than she had realized. It must have been growing a long time, she thought – the little blob of jelly that had expanded until it controlled him to the fingertips. She had to sit up, then scoot away from Damon and back again before it lay on the ground, a sickly, stringy, white caricature of a human body. â€Å"Is it done?† Damon was breathless – it really had hurt, then. â€Å"Yes.† Damon stood and looked down at the flabby white thing – barely twitching – that had made him persecute the person he cared most about in the world. Then, deliberately, he trampled on it, crushing it under the heels of his boots until it lay torn in pieces, and then trampling the pieces. Elena guessed that he didn't dare blast it with Power for fear of alerting Shinichi. At last, all that was left was a stain and a smell. Elena didn't know why she felt so dizzy then. But she reached for Damon and he reached for her and they went to their knees holding each other. â€Å"I release you from every promise you made – while in the possession of that malach,† Elena said. This was strategy. She didn't want to release him from the promise of caring for his brother. â€Å"Thank you,† Damon whispered, the weight of his head on her shoulder. â€Å"And now,† said Elena, like a kindergarten teacher who wants to move quickly on to another activity, â€Å"We need to make plans. But to make plans in utter secrecy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"We have to share blood. But Elena, how much have you donated today? You look white.† â€Å"You said you'd be my slave – now you won't take a little of my blood.† â€Å"You said you released me – instead you're going to hold that over me forever, aren't you? But there's a simpler solution. You take some ofmy blood.† And in the end that was what they did, although it made Elena feel slightly guilty, as if she were betraying Stefan. Damon cut himself with the minimum of fuss, and then it began to happen – they weresharing minds, melting seamlessly together. In much shorter a time than it would take to speak the sentences aloud, it was done: Elena had told Damon of what her friends had found about the epidemic among the girls of Fell's Church – and Damon had told Elena everything he knew about Shinichi and Misao. Elena concocted a plan for scaring out any other possessed youngsters like Tami, and Damon promised to try to find out where Stefan was from the kitsune twins. And, finally, when there was nothing more to say, and Damon's blood had restored faint color to Elena's cheeks they made plans as to how to meet again. At the ceremony. And then there was only Elena in the room, and a large raven winging its way toward the Old Wood. Sitting on the cold stone floor, Elena took a moment to put all she now knew together. No wonder Damon had seemed so schizophrenic. No wonder he had remembered, and then forgotten, and then remembered that he was the one she was running from. He remembered, she reasoned, when Shinichi was not controlling him, or at least was keeping him on a very loose rein. But his memory was spotty because some of the things he'd done were so terrible that his own mind had rejected them. They had seamlessly become part of the possessed Damon's memory, for when possessed Shinichi was controlling every word, every deed. And in between episodes, Shinichi was telling him that he had to find Elena's tormentor and kill him. All very amusing, she supposed, for this kitsune, Shinichi. But for both her and Damon it had been hell. Her mind refused to admit that there had been moments of heaven mixed in with the hell. She was Stefan's, alone. That would never change. Now Elena needed one more magical door, and she didn't know how to find one. But there was the twinkling fairy light again. She guessed it was the last of the magic that Honoria Fell had left to protect the town she had founded. Elena felt a little guilty, using it up – but if it wasn't meant for her, why had she been brought here? To try for the most important destination she could imagine. Reaching for the speck with one hand and clenching the key in the other she whispered with all the force at her command: â€Å"Somewhere I can see and hear and touch Stefan.†

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Differences Between Laptop and Netbook

What are the Difference between Laptop and Netbook? So what is the difference between laptop and netbook? A laptop (also called a notebook) is computer which has been designed to be made portable, featuring a screen hinged to a keyboard. A laptop includes a battery for portable power and a touchpad instead of a mouse for input. Mini laptops (also called a netbook, subnotebook or ultraportables) take these ideas further still, creating a new market above handheld computers, smartphones and personal digital assistants.The primary characteristic of these are smaller size and weight, which are pretty similar to the average diary, as well as costing less than a standard laptop with prices starting at around ? 150, an excellent solution during the credit crunch! Mini laptops aren't as powerful as bigger notebook computers, and lack the power for big, demanding programs as well as an optical disc drive – so no CDs or DVDs. None the less, connectivity is a central focus for netbooks. Internet downloads are quickly catching up on hard media products, so perhaps it's not such a loss.In short, the difference between laptop and netbook is a netbook is smaller, lighter, cheaper (on the whole) and simpler. New mini laptops are expected to sell in the region of 5. 2 million units by the end of 2008, 8 million during 2009 and up to 50 million by 2012 – a ten fold growth. Industry analysts are torn whether or not subnotebooks will cannibalize the laptop market, some suggesting that a mere 10% market share will be taken. However, in this economic downturn, people will always look for cheaper products and with mini laptops available from ? 150-200, perhaps there is a big market after all.So is it game over for the standard laptop and pc? Unlikely; whilst mini laptops can perform dozens of tasks to identical or similar standard of larger computers, they will (for the time being) be limited by battery size, processing power and storage space, the difference between la ptop and netbook is pronounced enough not to make the former obsolete. Furthermore, when using a computer over a prolonged period of time, it would make sense to use a bigger screen and a faster processor of a desktop replacement laptop or a PC, particularly for demanding programs' such as games.And finally, similarly priced but laptops, of varying quality, are available for around ? 200-300 leading some industry analysts to believe that the consumer focus will be on functionality and not merely size and weight. At the opposite end of the spectrum, mobile phone manufacturers and providers are tapping into the netbook market with the Samsung NC10, LG X110 and Carphone Warehouse launching the Webbook – a branded laptop made by Elonex. Vodafone has linked arms with Dell with its Inspiron Mini 9, offering 3G mobile broadband contracts. Orange have followed suit with by cosying up with Asus and the Eee PC 901.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hitler (Why Little Opposition) essays

Hitler (Why Little Opposition) essays The period of time during the 1930s was a time of poverty and power. It was during this time that a man named Adolf Hitler came to power. But Hitlers power did not come easily. During his rise to power he faced much opposition such as the communists, colonies and other parties; even losing the election to Hindenburg was an obstacle that he faced. Despite these problems, Hitler used Consolidation measures, State Security Agencies, Domestic measures, Propaganda, Foreign Success and even the much hated Treaty of Versailles. The following paragraphs will look at how Hitler used these ideas to minimize the amount of opposition that he faced. One of the reasons of little opposition that Hitler faced was because of the consolidation measures that he put in place. Anti-intellectualism was one of Hitlers main consolation methods. Because of Hitlers personal hatred of Jews, much of his idea including anti-intellectualism was linked to his anti-Jewish beliefs. Through this, Hitler decided that he wanted Jews to be excluded from German academic life. He did this by attacking all sorts of intellectuals from the Jewish community and burning books from the libraries and schools (Book burning as seen above). Furthermore, all books that were to be published from the on had to be approved by the Ministry of Propaganda. This meant that: Any Jewish/Communist material was to be removed from all books. Paintings that were drawn by Jewish artists were removed. Anything that was considered Jewish/Communist was removed, destroyed or replaced with Nazi material. Much of anti-intellectualism was linked with Hitlers beliefs of anti-Jews and communists. Hitlers hatred of Jews could be clearly identified when he told Germanys catholic leaders that Jews were nothing but pernicious enemies of the state and church. (Quote: Source A, Page 78, Line 3). After propaganda of t...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on NGOs And The Development Of International Environmental Law

International Environmental Law NGOs and the development of international environmental law. -Whats their role? -Do they serve a useful purpose? -Whats the 'back sides'? Word count: 2188 1. Introduction The following paper examines the growing role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other non-state actors in the development of international environmental law. The most important functions within this role will be identified, characterized and critically discussed. Subsequently conclusions will be made on whether or not or to what degree these functions and this role serve a useful purpose. 2. The fundament Historically as well as theoretically, international law is centred around sovereign states. The main actors are states, each governing their own territory, and with the clear and fundamental rule deriving from the principle of state sovereignty, that the jurisdiction of each state is limited to their own territory. In the acknowledgment of the advantages and necessity of international cooperation when dealing with problems and concerns that goes beyond state boarders, the states have created a comprehensive international society with a vast number of inter-governmental bodies. However, the restrictions in the dealing with international issues that follow from the characteristics of the sovereign state has caused frustration and states have been said to be inefficient in the creation and development of international law and policy. In contrast to the states, the NGOs does not limit themselves to state boarders. Furthermore each NGO chooses its own area of interest and let the concern of other competing interests be up to other NGOs. The NGOs get their support from the public and corporations etc. who positively ‘vote’ for them by becoming a member of the organization or by in other ways giving financial support. As pointed out by A.D. Tarlock the NGOs â€Å"fill out a niche in international law... Free Essays on NGOs And The Development Of International Environmental Law Free Essays on NGOs And The Development Of International Environmental Law International Environmental Law NGOs and the development of international environmental law. -Whats their role? -Do they serve a useful purpose? -Whats the 'back sides'? Word count: 2188 1. Introduction The following paper examines the growing role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other non-state actors in the development of international environmental law. The most important functions within this role will be identified, characterized and critically discussed. Subsequently conclusions will be made on whether or not or to what degree these functions and this role serve a useful purpose. 2. The fundament Historically as well as theoretically, international law is centred around sovereign states. The main actors are states, each governing their own territory, and with the clear and fundamental rule deriving from the principle of state sovereignty, that the jurisdiction of each state is limited to their own territory. In the acknowledgment of the advantages and necessity of international cooperation when dealing with problems and concerns that goes beyond state boarders, the states have created a comprehensive international society with a vast number of inter-governmental bodies. However, the restrictions in the dealing with international issues that follow from the characteristics of the sovereign state has caused frustration and states have been said to be inefficient in the creation and development of international law and policy. In contrast to the states, the NGOs does not limit themselves to state boarders. Furthermore each NGO chooses its own area of interest and let the concern of other competing interests be up to other NGOs. The NGOs get their support from the public and corporations etc. who positively ‘vote’ for them by becoming a member of the organization or by in other ways giving financial support. As pointed out by A.D. Tarlock the NGOs â€Å"fill out a niche in international law...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Wind Shield Survey Community Assessment of a community in Queens , NY Term Paper

Wind Shield Survey Community Assessment of a community in Queens , NY - Term Paper Example The Wind Shield survey is a health client community that conducts surveys on continuing and comprehensive practices that are preventive, curative and rehabilitative. It also assesses the method in which a series of questions are used to collect data for analysis of specific group or area. The philosophy of care is based on the belief that health cares are directed to individual, family and the communities contribute to the health care of a population as a whole . Community parameters and history of community client The involvement of consumers of health care is encouraged in the development of community activities that contribute to the promotion of education and maintenance of good health. In order to achieve these activities, a comprehensive health programs are required that pay a special attention to social and ecological influences and specific population that is at a risk. As a community client, nurses should focus on environmental features such as physical, cultural, psychosoci al and political features that ensure good health of the population. As a matter of fact, Zuckerman (1998) adds that community client is not restricted to provision of health care to a particular age or diagnostic group but the health nurse is practicing their profession to all people without any biases. A healthy community is one that makes wise use of its resources and is prepared to meet the dangers and threats that may arise as a result of factors encountered when dealing with health problems. This has been the mandate and the aim of the community client over a quite a long time to ensure a mutual relationship between the community and the location . Community client and Windshield Survey assessment According to the ideas presented by Joint Commission Resources, Inc. (2008), they put it that in assessing the performance of Wind Shield survey in New York, a close examination of the original survey data on beneficiary is needed. According to our expectations, the general satisfact ion with the WindShield survey intervention should be high. However, the evidence was found that the endeavor of the WindShield survey to redress the balance between the rich and the poor communities was fairly satisfactory . There was a neglect of the isolated communities possibly due to cost reasons and that the accessibility of the WindShield Survey to beneficiary communities is lower in poor communities. As asserted by Shi and Singh, (2010), these factors significantly reduced the client community satisfaction with Windshield survey. The levels of Windshield survey induced community participation in decision making which also varied with some evidence that participation has an effect on community satisfaction Joint Commission Resources, Inc. (2008).Among the dissatisfaction that the members of the Windshield survey were accused of were self-serving, unresponsive and less than good in whatever they were doing. Assessment of Windshield Survey workers was also done. This was obtain ed through evaluation of the physicians and other professionals caring for the client . With the principles of continuity of care in mind, the nurses’ assessment on condition of care and treatment was done. Also all individuals receiving Medicare were also assessed using the OASIS guidelines. OASIS is an assessment tool developed to measure the outcomes of persons receiving the home health care. After this, assessment of the family was carried out as asserted by Shi

Friday, November 1, 2019

History on russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History on russia - Essay Example having spent money and drunk liquor out of dullness because he yearns to be back home, confessing further â€Å"we weren’t wealthy, but things went properly – we lived well.† Avdeev’s living entails sacrifice for he accepts the fate that is originally meant for his brother who could not afford to leave his family. It is at that state of character when Avdeev encounters Murad and another Chechen, Bata, who both must be accompanied to the prince. Neither Murad nor Bata bears weapon or a sign of intention to combat with the Russian soldiers, instead, they emerge to confront them with humble countenances. Upon his return with Bondarenko, Avdeev enthusiastically tells â€Å"And do you know, mates, those shaven-headed lads are fine!† in reference to Murad and Bata. According to Avdeev, â€Å"Yes, really – What a talk I had with them! Such a good talk we had! Such nice fellows!†. Eventually, it may be inferred herein that despite their conspicuous differences as Chechen and Russian who generally treat each other as enemies at the time, Avdeev and Murad quite reflect a common object – that of being drawn to mundane rather than military life, where both are inclined to settle toward the heart of peace. Even if Murad is embodied in the narrative as a thorny thistle of the field by the author, his becoming a separatist guerrilla who chooses to detach from the command of Shamil occurs to bother not Avdeev’s good view of him as a fine fellow though his presence ought to threaten the aoul village at the knowledge that Murad is in secret keeping of Sado at its expense. In other words, Murad’s existence alludes pursuit of hostility, while the two warring territories have not come to reconcile terms by which their conflict persist. However, Avdeev perceives beyond such conflict and sees Murad as a man that could remind him of a family he longs to be reunited with. Hence, this should justify a personal decision to understand the case of Murad rather than hold his